Vladimir Kononenko
Dr. VLADIMIR STEPANOVICH KONONENKO (born 1950) is professional entomologist, senior researcher fellow of the laboratory of Entomology at Federal Scientific Center of the East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity, Far Eastern Branch Russian Academy of Sciences (Vladivostok, Russia).
During 40 years he studies the systematics, taxonomy and biogeography of the noctuoid moths (Lepidoptera, Noctuoidea) of the Eastern Palaearctic.
He is an author of over 240 scientifc articles and monograph, among them are Illustrated catalogue of the Noctuidae in Korea (1998) and Atlas genitalia Korean Noctuidae (2007), Key for identificaion of insects of the Russian Far East Vol. IV (2003); Moths of Thailand, Noctuoidea, Volume 3, parts 1 and 2 (2005 and 2013) and three volumes of Nocuidae Sibiricae (2005, 2010 and 2016).
He is good scientific illustrator with experience to illustrate his monographs himself and the issue of the Noctuidae Europaea wih genitalia photos, the series of monographs by Michael Fibiger on Micronocuidae with imago and genitalia of and the series of books on Lepidoptera of European countries issued by Morten Top